Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

46 A Aemedy acgainfl- Covetwejneffe. and therefore gives way unto them. Aman is not a covetous man, nor yet an ambitious man, which hath covetous and ambitious thoughts; for thefe the holiefi men have; but hee that hath fuch thoughts, and drivesnot at all againft them, or cite íhivesbut weal<ely, tic:cis a covetous or ambitious man. Agodly man may have thefe thoughts and defircs,but he it rives firongly againft them, gets ground of thern,and gives them- a deaths wound : but the covetous man he yeelds unto them, tte godlyman he gets the vidory over them. Now this Covetoulhc.'ff: is evill in its fel.fe, and therefore it n-lufl he mortified.For liraof all, it is Molary, and ts'irituali A and then it is a bitterroot having many on it-: he that doth any thing to held corre- fpondency with it,.hee that doth belongunto it, tohirn it is theroot of all evilL !Ake 16. mat.' It 'keepes aman from falvation, it cimigkes the 3.2z, 2. goodfeedofthe Word fowne inmens hearts:Se. co-ndly,it mull be mortifed;for-the.vanity of the objet -is not worththe 'feeking-ttherefore, Dike 16.9. Earthly treafure is fet downe in a companion with the true treafure,and apref4 red in there fourecircumftance.s. Firfl, it is called, the Mammaofitxrighte- Di/Jr:eye and wicked riches, becaufe it makes men wicked; it being oppofed to fpiritaill bleffings,yvhich arebeft.. .Scconcily, is left kbcaure-it den, !earl prod,