A `Tìernedy againf (ovetotcfneffe. good, preferves us not from evill, cloth the foule nogood. Thirdly, It isbut f i fe treafare, it bath but the thad'ow of the true, it íhines as if it were true, but yet it isfalte andcounterfeit. Laftly,it is not our 011430,it is anoth.ers trans; Riches are the goods of others , not our ocwne,Guke i6.12 . andLuke 10. 4 r .42. There are ¡blueattributes given to riches..Firtt,They are many things,and ; equiremuch labour; Mar- acaeau trouble bout many things. Secondly, they are unneary , one thing u neceffary. Thirdly, they Trill bee taken away from vs. Fourthly, they are not the bell : and therefore our defire after them fhouldbemortified. From hence therefore be exhorted to mor- Yß. tiffe this earthly member,eovetoufneffe,which is Idolatry ; a finne to which all men are fub- jcet. Young men though they want experi- ence of Riches, are notwithftanding fubje& to this vice a but oldmen are molt fubjeet to it, though they have leaft caufeand reafon for ir. Prof (fors of Religion are fubje& to it,ma- choakes it therefore úe with ff ualll meanes to lï i , root it out of your hearts. Fir íl ofall,pray to God, not to incline yoar hearts tocovetoufneffe,itis impoffible for man, but. eahie for God todoe it. Secondly,be humbled for finne : wee3te fo covetous and defirousofmoney ,iecaufe D 4 wee 47 ><; Pfal.rz9.36. :