Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

AN Elegant and lively defcription, ofSpiritual] DEATH and LrPE, O HN 5,25. «éri y,rveriiy, y fay untay ou,that the Pore nv is coming awl now s, when the dead fhall beare the Toy ce oftf'e Sonne ofGod, and they that heare'hall , c' ::.H E. Occarton : of thefe words was this when as Chrifthad: ffirmed to t': e , ienves, that God w s4 his Fa-1 ther, and the levies went a- baut to kilbirnfor it,ve.t 8. He proves what he had laid by this argument : He that is able togive life to the dead is God, or the. Sonne of God; But I am able to 'give life to the dead; (The houre is comrrasng andnow is, when the dead 'hall beare the voy-ce of the Sonmee ofGod, and thefe that heare-it rg1aTl live;) Therefore -I am the Sonne of God. In. briefe, thefe swords thew Ulnas Divinityby the (fleas of it, that he can quicken the dead. In