Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

5Z ,ifn Elegant and lively D f rFptia n ry a. In thefe words we may confider thefeparts, Fiat, thefubjeCt on which Chrifl doth ex- ercifehisDivinitïe; and that is, on dead men, The deadfhaJheare thevoyceoftheSonneofaod, 2. andfball live. Secondly, the inftrunent by whichhedoth it,and that is,hy hasWord;which is not meant oneI,y the bare preaching and hearing of the Word; but fuch an inward, cornmanding,powerfull,operative word, that makes men doe that which is commanded them;Suchawordwas fpoken toLazar, be- ing dead, Karma come forth ; and he did it. This word commands men, andmakes them to obey it. Thirdly, the timewhenhewill exercife his divinity; thebourei comming, andnow it ; that is,the time (hall come when as it Call bee a- bundantly revealed, the fruit of the Gofpell (hall appeare more plentifully andfully here- after, but yet it is nowbeginning to appeare; 4 there is now force fmallfruit of it. Laftly,it is affirmedwith an affeveration or oath; Verily Verily If yuntoyou ; And thefe are thepartsof this Text. Out of thefewords I purpofe to Mew you thefe three things. r. Firft, What the eßate of adFeu is out o Chrif. 2. Secondly, what we pinebyChrifi. 3. Thirdly, what wemall doe for Chrij?. Firft, we will Phew youwhat your flare is out