Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

of Spirituall Death and Life. out fo for thiswill make you toprize him more. And the point for this is, ihat every roan aert of Chrii is in a fi'ate of dewh,ordead man : that is, All menhow ever they are borne livin g, yet they are (till dead men: without the living Spirit the root is dead. Hence are thefe places of Scripture, Gen.z.17. The day that thou eatefl thereof than fhalt diethe death. Mat. 8.2 2.Let thedeaddory their dead. Ephef, 2.x. r'oto bathhe quickened , who weredead intrefaffes andfinnes.Eph.5.14. Awake thou thatfleepeft, hand up";ern the dead, andchrif (hillgive thee light. The meaning is, that all man are fpiritually dead. This will be of foche moment, to Phewyou that you are dead without Chrift. Yee account it aga(lly fight to fee manydead men lie together,it af- feelsyoumuch: but to feea multitude ofdead rumwalkeand (land before us, that affcetsus not.Thenaturali death isbut a pi&ure or fha- dowofdeath,butthis fpirituall death,is death indeed: As it is Paid fpiritually ofChriftsflefh, doh, 6.55 .That it is rmeate indeed.Now that you may know what this death is,I will filmyou, Fir(l of ail, what this death is. Secondly, how many kinds of this death there are. Thirdly, the fymptomes and fignes ofthis death. Fourthly, the degrees ofthisdeath. For the firft; what this death is; itconfias in 3, What rp; rituali death