54 Rom.7Y. I. An Elegant and lively T ; f ription, in two things. Fir fl, in death there is a prive. tionof life : then a man is dead, when as the fouleis feparated from thebody : fo a man is fpiritually dead, when as the foule is fepara- ted from the qtickning fpirit ofGrace, and righteoufneffe : This is all our cafes,tnas there dm&nagvad, there isno Spirit of lifewithin us : the Soule is foout of order, that the fpi- rit is weary of it and forfakes it. When the body grows diftempered and unfit for the Soup to ufe, t hen the Souleleaves it. Even as when the inflrument is quite out of tune,a man layes it aide; whiles it is in tune heplaies on it : So a mandowels in a houfe as long as it ishabitableand fit rodwell in,but when it be- comes unhabitable he departs: fo, as long as thebody is a fit organ for the foule, it keepes it; when it becomes unfit, itleaves it. Even fo the holy Ghoit lives in the foule of man, as long as it is in good temper, but beingdi {tempered by fine, the holy Ghcfl removes. You may fee it in ddan -'as fbone as bee did eateof the forbidden fruire, the holy Ghofl left him,andhe loft his Originali righteounes. Secondly,in this death as there is a privation, fo there is alío a pofitive cvill quality wrought in the foule, whereby it is not onely voidof goodneffe, but made ill. In thenaturall death when a man dyes , there is another forme left in the body; fo in this fpirituail death, there is an evil habit, ieft in the