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of Spivituall Death and Life. 55 the íoulesof men ; This you may fee Heb.9. 14. where the w.o kes you doe before regeneration, are caked, Dead workes there wouldbea contradi6lion in calling them dead worker, if. there were not another pout- tive evill forme in man, betide theabfence of the quickning Spirit, which forme iscalled RomChap..7B..i I, sg. . Plefh in theScriptures. o o. But it maybeobje6ed,that finne is a meere- (girt7. privation ofgood ,that it is a Non. on ; there fore flefh cannot bee laid tobe atioperative qualitie and forme of finne To this i anfwer, that though all finne he a` .4f,, meereprivation, yet it is in anoperative fub- jea-, and thence it conies topaffe that_finne is fruirfull in evill workes..A.s for example,take an F forte and put out his eyes, as long-as lice :fzands aïll there is noerror; but if he begins to runneonce, he runes amiífe, and the longer hee runnes,- the further bee isout of the way wherein he flhould goe;and ail this becaufe-he 1.wants his eyes,whichShoulddire&him So it is with finne,. though in its felfe it be but a j nieere privations yet it is Seated in the fouie, 1 ' which is almyes azetive: Axima mingr:am stir)- fu; The goodneffe that thould ialighten it taken away, and there is a poitiveevill quali- tie put into ir, that leades us on to evill. Confider farther- whence this death pro ceeds;theoriginall ofit, is the undertzanding mindofmanyw-iich isprzm viverns,e utti- mnarn o