Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

56 4n Fledant and liver 1D f ññp*ion, mummaim c That which lives fiat anddies laft. The cauCe oflife is thc underftanding in_ lightened to fee the truth ; when the aifeetions are right, and the underitarding f}raight, then we live ;when it is darkened,all goes outofor. der. lob. r.4.fpeaking ofChrift, it isfaid, that inhim therewits life, and the life was the light of men: hewÚs life becaufe heewas light, he did inliven men, becaufe he did inlighten them. therefore Ephe. 5.4. the Apoflle fpeakes thus to men ; 4wakethou thatfleepefl, fiordupfront the dead, and Cbri/t /hallgive thee light:becaufe light is the beginningoffpirituall life. There. fore it is faid,iames i , sS.Ofhis ownewillbegot he therm, 6yihe wordoftruth : that is, the word reaifies the underfianding and opinion, which is the firft thing in this fpiriruall birth: andEphe4.2 2. a 4.. PutcftbeoldMan which is corrupt, according to the deceitfull lofts thereof; andput on thenewman, whichafter God iscrea, tails bolineff, andperfecrt righteorr /nefe. The oldman is corrupt according to thedeceitful! tufts :that which is here called deceitful! lulls, &c. in theOri3inall, lignifies, hills proceeding fromerror, and holinefJeproceeding from truth; Luft proceeds from error, in miftaking things; for Tuft is nothing elfe but affeétion mifpiaced , proceeding from error : and that holineffe in which God delighteth, in which his Imageconfif}s, comes from truth. When i9dam was alive, bee judgedaright, becaufe then 1