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of Spirituali DeathandLife. 57 the whecles and affetlions of his foule wcreright: Being dead byreafonof his fall, l:e loft his fight, bee law no beauty in the wayes of God; and this is the cafeof all unregeneratemen : but when the Spirit re1i- fies the judgement and convinceth men of finneand righteou(neffe,then they beginne to revive. To bedead is to have the underftan- dingdarkred, the judgement erronious: tobe alive is tohave the underflanding inlightened, and the judgementre1ified ; And thus much for the firff, what this death is. We come now to the kindes ofthis deaths whichare three. Firíf, there is a deathofguiltineffe t onethat is guiltie of any offence that is death by the Law, is Paid to bebut adead man. So every one by nature isa dead man, bound over to death thoughhe be not executed. Secondly, there is a death in finne that is oppofite tothe life offanáification, Ephe.2.I. Tombath he quick led, who were dead in tre[affes sndfnnes:and there is a death forfinne that is contrary to the lifeofGlory. Thirdly, there is adeath that is oppofite to the life of joy:inhell there is a life, man is not quite extinguifhed,but yet men inhell are faid tobe dead, becaufe they have no joy. This deathconfias in the feparating of God from the foule ; when God is feparated from the foule; then man dies this death of forrow. E Cod The kindesof Spirituali death. I. 2.