58 An Eieswnt and live.li DeÇrjrtiQ;c, Mas.27.4.6. The1yazp- tomes of Spi- ritual) death. gConi 0biea. God joynes him felfe to thehales ofgood and bad ! to thofe thatare not fan&i fled, he joynes himfelfe in a common manner, and thence it is, they have common joy,commoncomfort, Common civility; to the godly he joynes him - !felfejn are extraordinary manner, by which they have extraordinary joy: nowwhenGod is feparated- from the foule, thencornes.a per- fe îdeath;fee it in -the feparationofGod from Chriffs hurnanity.God withdrawing himfelfe from him but for a time,he crieth out,My cod my God, why haft thou forfiken wee-; As God withdrawes himfelfe more or leffe, fo is our joy, our furrow more or leIT , Thus much for the kinds ofthis death, VVee proceed now to the Symptornes or fines ofthisdeath, and they are foúre, The firm is this; men: are [aid: to bee dead when they underaartd nothing, when as there is no reafon exilant in them,when they feeno more thandead men. The life isnought elfe but thefoule aced.: then a man is Paid to live whenthe under.ffanding part isailed.So man is fpiritaally dead when as his underflanding is darkened, when as hee fees or underflands nothingof Gods wayes, áecaufe they areJpiri tualt,andhe carnal Bar it maybeeobjeaed ; men underhand things belonging to faith and repentance, ca.rnall men not yet fan0ified.have forceun- dcrftanding ofthofe, Ianfwery.