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of Spiritual! D eath and Life. anfwer,that theymay underftand the ma- terials belonging to godlinefie as well as o- thers but yet they relith them not, they fee them not with a fpirituall eye.Tit 1. 6. They are to everygood worke reprobate they cannot judge aright ofany good workes, as to like approve and love them to fee a beauty in them as they are good : Rom .8.7. thewifdonie °lam flelh ùenmitiewithGod, for it ùnotfah- ieel to the Law ofGod, the Greeke word is j-c7zu 3 the meaning is nor that they un- derftancl it nor,but they like it nor,they relial it not, they raft it not ; they thinke of Gods wayes,that they are but folly,t cor.2.14. They areas enmity with them,theycount themdrop. The fecond fymptome ofdeath is, wantof 2. motion where there is no motion, there is death. All men naturally want this motion, they cannot judge or doe any good thing by nature : they may doe the opal operation, but they cannotdoe it in an holy manner; their prayers,their hearing, receiving of the Sacra- ment, and the like, are dead workes without faith the principali oflife, however they may be faire in other mens eyes. The third figneofanaturall death,is fence- 30 le fncffeifo men are fpiritually dead,when they are not affeaed withGods judgements, when they havehardheartswhich cannot repent, Rom. 2.5. when they have hearts its hardad a fione, E5k.3 6. 27. or when they are affeded with E z them