Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6o An Elegant and lively Dcfcrirtion, them onelyas natural! men apprehendevil! not from a cluickning Spirit, but from a fel e- love.. Lail!y, in naturaHdeath, there is a Joffe of that vigor, that beauty in the face and counte- nance, which is in livingmen : So in men that are fpiritually dead,there is nobeauty, no vi- gor, theyhavedeath in their faces: they may,which may be like the li- ving, (as he fail ; pithvnpueavi effeverum, eJ verumpratavi effpi rae ,:) they. may be much alike, yet they haue not that liveline(fc and ;pta1:96.6. 'beauty a; livingmen have, Gods beauty (the Puol,aio. ;. 'beauty ofbolinefc) is not found in them. ®tied. But it may. bee cbjeaed, they have many excellencies in them,: they know much, they excel! in moral! vertues... I.aniwer, they may have excellencies, as a dead man relay have Jewels and chaises about him,yet they dead:they have them,but yet K °3 T .$'9 they are Ear lewv &s afgokiin4 Solvesfrioute they are as Sinize,their good things mate them not men; they arc beautifoll,yet they are but dead men as the evil! workes ofgood men make them. not bad men: fo the good workes of evill men, make them not good. Thus much for the fignes ofthis Death, Wecomenow to thedegrees. of this death, in-all thefe deathcs there are degrees Firil in the death of guilt Of you have had more meanes, the guilt is greater, ifyou make no ufe . ffiv. 4. Thcdel;reev. af Spirituall drwth. Y.