ofSpirituall DeathandLife. ufe of them. TheGentiles they /hallonly be con- demnedfor breaking the Lamof nature, becaufe they knewnoother Law; The leases they/all hecondemnedforfinningagain; the Law ofna- ture, and the LawofMoles, they had a double Law, and fhall be condemned for the breach of it; Chrìftians having a treble Law , the Gofpell,theLawofnature, themortall Law, /hall. becondemnedforall three,; andamong all Chriaians, fuch as have had more meanes, and better education, the greater (hall their puuiíbment be. Secondly, in the death oppofite to the life of fandification, therearedegrees. Now yee muff know that there are no degrees in the privative part ofdeath, but theyareonely in the pofitive. The lowed ffep in this fecond death is tohave enmity to thewayei ofGod, be- ing fighters againfi: Gad, and enemies to the Saints; this is the lower fiep. The fecondde- gree is, when as men arc not fonaive that way, but yet aredead in plea /ares, ambition, covetoufncffe, and the like. There is agene- ration of men which trouble not themfelves to oppofe Godand the Saints, but give them-, (elvestopleafures, and like thofe Widowes, i Tim 5.6. are deadinpleafures, while they are alive. The lall flep inthis death,is the death of Civility. Civili men come nearer the Saints ofGod than others, they come within a ftep or two of heaven,andyet are flrut out; they are E 3 not 61 Rem.2.I2. 13,14215,26 2. Rom r.30. Heb. 1 a,29. Aar 5.39, Tim 5.6. Mar.Tt.34a