Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

6 z An Elegant and li-Pely Defcription, mg rrefrom them the kingdomof Veaven, as Chrift faid to the pangMa;. yet theymiffe ofit as well as others. 3- Thirdly, for the death that is oppofite to the life ofjoy, the degrees of itarcmore fen- fible : SOM have legall terrors , the begin- rtem,x4.174 nings of eternal! death; others have peace of confiience, and ivy in theholy Gh911; the begin- ningofeternali life. And thus much for the degrees ofthefe deaths. obiea. Now hearing that all aredead in trefpaffes and finnes, yee mayobje& ; If weebee dead, why doe you preach untous ? If we be dead, we under ftandnot, wee move nor, wearcnot capable ofwhat you fay. An/n'. To this I anfwer , Firft, there is a great dif- ferencebetweene this fpirituall death,and na- turall death. 1,t For firft,thofe who are naturally dead, un- derflandnothina at all 5 but in thofe who are fpiritually dead, there is a life of uuderflan ding, by which they themfelves may know that they are (leach men who are naturally dead, cannot know theyarc dead. Secondly, thofe who arefpiritually dead, may underaand the wayes of life:though they relial them nor, yet they may heare and re- ceive them, which chafe who are naturally dead cannot doe. Thirdly, thofe who are fpiritually dead, 3.. may come to the tneanes) to the poole which,