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ofSpiritu,all Deathan¡Life. which the Spirit breathes the breathof life; whereas naturally dead mencannot come to the rneanes oflife; Secondly I anfwer, that though yee are dead, yet hearing may breed life, the word candoe it. There was an end why Chrift fpake toLazaras, thatwas dead, Lazarus cow forsb, becaufe his wordwrought life ; there- fore though yee are dead, yet becaufe the word can worke life inyou, our prcaching is not invaine. Laftly, this death is a voluntarydeath. Men whoare naturally dead cannot put life into themfelves; nomore canthofe who are fpiri- tually deadwhen they bave made themfelves dead. Men die this death in a free manner; I cannot better exprelïe it,than by this fimili- tude. A man that is about to commit the aft ofmurtherortreafon,his friends perfwade him not todoe it, for ifhee cloth, bee isbut a deadman ; yet notwithdanding he will do it; we fay of fuchaone that bee is a dead man willingly. So wee tell men, ifthey doe thus and thus, that they'goe dovirne to the Cham- bers ofdeath, yet they will doe it. Hence is that Ezek. z8.3 r . rvby willyedie, oyehorufe of Ifracl? implying that this fpirituall death in finne,is avoluntary death. Butye will obje6t, menare not quitedead, there are fore reliques of Gods Image hill left in them; howarc they thendead it E To 63 "Kw, z.;43; 44. 3: oblea.