64 An Elegant and lively Defcription, orb ty. To this I anfwer, that there is a double Image of God; fird a naturall , (landing in the naturall frame ofthe foule,as ro be immor- tall, immateriall 5 So there is underflanding, will and reafon, and fume fparkes of life left in us, as the remainder of a (lately building that is ruinated : but yet there areno fparkes athe living Image of God left in us, the rpi- Ephcr.444. ritual! Image of Godconfifling inbelhoefe and true righteosfimle, remainsnet ; the Papifts indeed deny it, but howwill they anfwer the rule of the Fathers that Svernattoralia dona ;ionpenitta ablata,naifuraliaquagata ; that fa- pernaturall gifts are utterly taken away , no (Parkesof them remainc. Bar it will be objeded)that though men bynature havenothing left, yet there is now an univerfall ability and grace, an univerfall fufficiencygiven unto them. To this I anfwer, that that which they call L! univerfifigrace, is the fame thing that nature is, but they put another tearme upon it it is found in nature, andcommon toall wherever it is therefore it cannot begrace. For in grace there is aiwayes fornething that is peculiar. 2, Secondly, if there fhould bee an univerfall grace the Saints would be no more beholding toGod, thanother men; if Godgive all alike toall, it Mould not bee God, but themfelves that put the difference. Thirdly, ifthere were that general] encv