ofSpirituall Death andLift: f5 ency, it would takeaway all election there might thenbe prefcience, but noelation, no predeftination to death or life. Fourthly if there were a generali grace, what is the reafon that Paul made it Inch mat. ter of difficulty to anfwer that queflion of elation, Rom. 9. If iirs.,*Oot/e andother Hea- then, if every one have fuch a generali fut. ficiency , Paid would not have made fuch a fcrupulous anfwer, and have cried out ofthe depth. Fithly,thcre is no filch univerfall ability ,be- caufe that which is horse offiejh ù ßej and that which is borne of the Spirit is Spirit; we are all borne ofthe 110, and cannot therefore have this fpirituall fufficiency. But yet there are, form fpirituall gifts in men. I anfwer, that wecannot have there fpiriru- all gifts ifwe are not borne ofthe Spirit i that which ù borneoftbefir(h isfletb. Not Bellarmine hi mfelfe norany man dfe will fay thatall are borneof the Spirit, It isour Saviours owne (peed,. lohn 1 5.2. Every branch In me not beg- rang fieitte,he taketbaway, andit is ea, oat, and j ! withered; that is, as the branch not being in the root, bringeth forth no fruit, Io men as long as they are not ingrafred into Chria, I bring forthno buds, no finite at all. , they may i heare the word, but they cannot makeIle of I lit, they cannot doe it without the Spirit, and 1 4. that .