66 ohielo n Ian Elegant and lively VeJ nption, that is free: it hreatbetb where it liileth:cbpare lohn 3.8. the Spirit breashetb where it lifetb, with lohn 6.44. No VIVO ran comeuntomee un- le(fe theFather drawhim, that is, got as a iheepe is lead with a bough; for Cïsrill doth not fay, no manwill come, bur, nomug can come except the Father draw him ; co,iipbll him as it were by force, not perfwade hirn by intreatie : that is, tnleffe he changed], and taketh away his wolvifh will. Butit will be objeeted, that God drawes every man. I anfwer,that the context concludes againft this. For Chrift doth bring this in, to thew the reafon, why many did not receive his Marine; and bee concludes with this, that men therefore doe not receive it, becaufe Goddoth not draw them : None can comeWO meexcept theFather drawhim. I will anfwer one objedlion snore and fo conclude : Ifweare dead, to what end is the Law given, whyare weecommanded todoe thus and thus, ifwe be dead e To this I anfwer, that the Law is given to this end,tofhem ste our weakneffe ,and te leakus untoaril? it is not given us tokeepe exaC111, for that is impofi ble : it was impo`idle tokeepe it throughthe .weaknefeoftbe flefh,Rom,8.3. the Law was therefore given that wee might know ourweakneffe;not that we Mould keepe i t,but that Chrifis rightcoufnefè might beefol pet