ofSpirituali Death andLife: peel inAy by faith. 041.3. 24. the Law is oar fehoolemalled tobring to to Cbra'f',that wemight 6e iuflifieei throughfaith that is the endof the Law. But it will be objected : that in as much as we arecommanded to doe things impoilible, mans nature is deftroyed, for man is a free creature. Secondly, the command impliesan abfurdity, an impoffibility, to bida mandoe that whichheecannot doe; to bid a man that is ina deepe Well, bound hand and foote, to comeout himfelfe is foolifh ; yee mayblame him, for falling in, it is abfurd to bid him come out. To this Ianfwer, that there is a difference betweene the external! binding,and thebonds wherewitha-man is fettered by finne 5 There isan externall impediment- which aman can- not rernove,as whenhe is fettered in thewell; butthere is no external! impediment when as menare boundin the chaines of fin. When wee commandyou to doe thus and thus , all thebulineffi is with thewil,we rather fay men will not,thanthey cannot come.Thereis liber tywhen as a man hatheligibleor ismatibite; when bee bath a thing in his owne choife, when there is no impediment, when bee may argue bothwayes:Ifamanout ofthepervert.- neffe of his naturedoth ir not, it is not com- pulfory, but free; a beafts adion is not free Decaufe hee cannot reafon onboth fides; but man Oblea. An w. ....