68 .finElegant and lively 17efcription, V Evanwhen hee confiders arguments on both fides, when hee can fay, doe not doe fuch a thing,but doe fuck a thing; when hecancon:, ceivearguments on bothfides,he is free ;there is no fuch externall impediment in him,as to bid one in darkenffe, to doe a thingof the light, or one boundhandand foote in a pit, to come out; fin= thechiefe impediment here, is in the depraved wile of men, which God dotti re6ifieand change by hisgrace and Spi- rit, through the ufeofmeanes. If then everyman out of Chrift beein an eftateof death, let every man examinehim- felfe, and confider whetherhe bea dead man orno;this is the greatquere or queftion in this mutability and incertaintieof things. Let us make the life to come fore; ourlife is uncer- tainehere; but have we this fpirituall life, are we living men ? then weearehappy : but are we dead :' then he that is not partaker of the firft refurre&ion, flaall not be partaker of the fecond. It is too late to begin to live,when we aredying, certainely the timeofour natural] death isa time of (pending, notof getting or inquiring after life : Ifyeedeferre this fearch whileyeeare in health, whenye lie on your deaths bed,when ye fhall fee heaven andhell immediately prefcnted unto you, this que- ftion will hold you folicitous, and then you flail fee that this fpiriruall life, is the life. indeed. The . time of this naturali life, is not