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ofSpïrituall DeathandLife. 69) not long; the candle buries not long, if it burne out; yet it is oftner blowne out than burnt out ; men oftner fall downe than come down from the treeof life: this Tabernacle is often thrown downe before it faisdown, therefore in this fhort life make your felves Pure ofeternal] life. Now there are two things which hinder this fearchand inquirieafter fpirituall life. The firfl is a falle opinion; men thinke T. themfelvcs in the wayes of life, being in the wayes ofdeath; they thinke there is agreater latitude in the Gofpell than there is. The fecond is men are not at lcafurc; there re millionsof bufineffes in their heads,fo that they cannot hea:ken to the whisperings of confcience;tieyhave no fnare time to be wife unto faivation ; It rnillbe carrot/dome therefoxe to confider our end, Deut. 3 2. 29. To helps you therefore in this Quere, whither you are dead or alive:' Confider 6r41, ifever you have s. berm dead. Secondly, ifye have beetle dead whether yet are madealive. 2, Firß, I fay, confider whether yee have ga beere dead orno; I meane, whether fin bath beetle made alive in you, that you might die. Rom.7.9. z o 1 rral alive without the ram once, but when the Commandement came;jnne re- vived, and Idied; that is, the Commande- ment awakens my francs, and they being a- alive I died; finne when it affrights not a mans