Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Gea,¢2,2 i. tz. Elegant and lively D7 f ription, mans confcience, then bee is dead ; when it wounds the confcience, then bee is alive. TheLaw being brought to the faule by the Spirit, yee fee the reLaitude of the Comman- dement, and your owne 9bliquity and croo- kedneffe; then firm is aliveand ye die. Peter preaching to the Iewes, 4th 2. recites to them their finne in crucifying the Lord of glory, which finne was madealive, and pricked them at their hearts. Sinne was dead in David,till Nathan and the Law carne unto him, afterward bee livedand was humbled . Luke S. Peter Peeing Chrifts Divinicie by the draught of Fifties, cries our, Depart from nice Lord, for I arnr afinfullman; bee had fìntìes in him before, but they were dead; then they were made alive, Paul, hee had finnes that were dead in him, but when the outward light ( which was buta ripeof his light with- in) did fhine about him, then hedies, and his finnes were made alive; So hvofiphs brethren had limes, but they were not madealive till' they werepet inprifn, then theirfinne infeQjng their brotherIafeph lived, andthey died. Had] (rune ever beene alive in you by the corn mañdernent to flay you ? that is, bath it bred fuch an apprehenfion inyou,asofdeath;(not a high or twefor aday,that is no fhyingofyou, but ye muft apprehend finne as death, as one that is tobee executed forthwith apprehends death, fo muft you apprehend finne) then it