ofSpirituall:Death andLife: it is a figne, that there is life within you. Secondly, are yee madealive agáine e Is thereBach a change in youas if yeewere other creatures,as ifyee lived an other life ?Where this life is,it works an alterationand a change, gives us another being, makes us to bee no more the fame men; Who ever u in Chrifl is a newcréature ;it works a general! change from death to life; it makes all our actions to bee vigorous, like the ac`Iiors of livingmen, Olri things pay away, all things become new , it makes men lead a new life:Ifoldacquaintance and lulls would draw us away,we anfwer that we are dead,that we live no moe to thefe, that nowwe have not our owne wills : Chats lives in su and wakes inus, Gal, z. 20. 11 is net d that live,but Chrifl lives inme. The f icemind will bee inus that mein chrifl;efass, Phil. 2. 5. Now ifye defire to knowwhether Chrift live inyou or no, or whether you are in aneflate ofdeath;you muff fee whether youhave theft two things whichare in every one inwhom Chrift liveth:firf feewhether you live tohim: Hediedthat weß et ldnot live to ourfelve, but tobinalone. In morall things theend andprin- ciple are all one. Before Chrift lived in you, allyoudidwas fromyourfelves,ye were your owne principle and end but Chrifl living in you, there is another end; ye eye Chrift, ye looke to him, all that yeMe is done in finceri- tie, it is done for him and from him. But 2. x Cor.517, 2 Cor.5.1S.