t In Elegant and lively D f ription, But howcanChriO be the end of our cal- lings, eating, drinking, and recreations ? Ianfwer,that ofevery anionChritt muff be theend, yee muff doe as a man in a journey; thoughevery ftep he treaties he thinkes not of his journeies end , yet the generall aime of every ftep mutt befor that end, and that cau- feth every ftep : fo inall yee doe, thegenerali end mutt beChrift. Secondly, ifChrift live in you, your hearts cleave to him, as to the Principle of life , as the childto thedug,or the element to its natu- rall place. What ever our life is, we cleave to it:Some place their life intheir credit,takea- way ir, and they die : others in riches ; takea- way them,and theyperish. What ever is your god,ifit be taken away,youperifh. Therefore lohn.6, 68. When thrift demanded ofthe twelve, whether they would likewif goe away ; Peter makes this anfwer ; Lord, whither (ballwegee? thouhaßthewords ofeternalllife. Thirdly, ye mayknow,what life ye liue,by the food that feedes ir,Oyle feeds theLampe, fuel thefire.Ifyour life be fed with theduties of obedience, then yee live. ifye keep my Cosmandements, yee/hall live in them, faith thrift : youfhall live in themas in your pro- per element, as the rifh in the water; every motionout of it, is todeath. There are two forts of men to wkom this triall doth be- long, The Z.