of Spirituall Deathand Life. The firfi are thofe,n'hohave a name they live andyet are dead, like the Ch/arch of Sardü, Rev.3.I. The fecond towhom this belongeth, are thofewho aredead indeed. The firfl of thefe, are like theAngels that take bodies, and doe anions; they are not truly living men, though theyappeare tobe. Now the flgnes that Chara&erife thefe dead men from thofe that are truly living ,are five, taken from the fignesof the fained life, in the Spirits that have bodies but onely in appea- rance whereby they are diflinguifhed from bodies that truly live. Firfl, Angels that take affùmedbodies,eate anddrinke,and are not nonrifhed;aa the Angels that came toLot, and Abraharn,andhad created bodies , So thefedeadmen doeall the actions that living men doe; they heare, they pray, they reade, but they turne it not into flefhand bloud,becaufe there is no life in them:they are not the fironger for hearing,or any thing they doe ; they thrive not, as thofe that have the Boulimia, they cate anddrinke yet they grow not, becaufe there is an Atrophy in their bo- dies. Ve preach tomen,yet they are the fame thisyeare as they, were the 'aft : they have a name to live and yet they live nor; they turne not the tneanes to flefh and nourifhment;it is a fgneof a living man that hegrowes. That which islaid ofa goodwit, thatit makes ufe F of 2, I. Thcharaitera of-there that areCjiritually dead. z