Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

,74 An Elegant and lively Vefcriptian, of every thing, flayhePaid of grace ; it turnes all ch:: paffdgesof Gods providence into hon. rifhrnent; formes as well as faire gales ,helpe a living man to the haven.Aflii lion, prope- rity, all put him on and hipehim forwards. Take One not having this life, doe hatyce will, hee thrives not ; as an unthrifr, put him to what trade youwill, he thrives not, hee is flìf l on the lofinghand ;fo thefe men, prolpe- rity, adveriltie,helpe them not:put any thing toa dead-man todoe, he loth it not; io thciè men, the Word and Sacrament lselpes them not,becaufe they-are dead. 2. Secondly, the motion of the Spirits that take affumed bodies, is not frommy inward principal], nor from the Motion oflife with, in : fo the anionsofm:to that arenot alivebare not from the principles of life, they ar.e not vitali motions; but as in other actions the Wheeles goe as long as the fpring is up- that moves them : fo the a&ions of [ncn that are dead, as long as the fprings are up and the in- fluence continues,ehey move. Wien they are fickeand apprehend death, then they will doe many things;but thefe beinggone their good- neíf: is ended: whilfl they deepely appre- hend fume accident, they Will be good, that being gone and forgotten, their goodnneffe ends Many whiles theyhave good acgtiain. tance, and are ingoodcoipany,will be good, but when they are gone, theirgoodnelle cea- feth..