ofSpiritual) Deathand l ife. teth. Thefe men have golden outfides, they feeme to have the Kings (lampe upon their aCtions, yet they are but counterfeit ; they pay God incounterfeit coine,not incurrant tn_ony; their actions have aformeofreligion,butyet the power is waging ; all they doe is but a meere formality; their Prayers, their Sabbathkee- ping arebut in flew ; thofe a&ions and duties that have rnoft power and life in them, they doe leaff ofall reliíh, they tail them nor, be- caufe they have no life in them. In general!, all theactions that menwanting lifedoe, they arebut deadworkes, tllty may bee deceived with them fora time, but when death comes, they fliall finde them to be butdead. Remigirra a lodge of Loraìgne tells this f}ery, that the dived in thofe parts did Life togive money to Witches,whichdid appeare tobegood coine, feerned tobecurrant money at firíf; but being laid up a while,it then appeared to benothing but dried leaves : fo thedivcll deceives men now, he makes them todoe outward a&ions, whichhave a faire thew, but when they need them, they thenappeare as they are, tobe no-, thingbut dead leaves, becaufè the principle oflïfe is wanting. A third prapertie ofaf uned bodies is this, that they are taken up onely for a time , and then are laid dewne againe, as the Spirits that take the,*: lifted : fo in tidemen which'. feemetolive, there is an inconftancy and mu- F 2 tabiliry 75 z TYrn.3 a5.