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of Spirituali Deathand Life. 77 Another dìftinguifher of thofe walking 4, Ghofls from living, is this : the ai`tions they doe,they doe themnot as livingmen do,they make apparitions onely and vanifh. Thofe men thathave nothin4but civility,it quickly vanifheth, they are likethe Churchof Sardù, leeve. 3.1. that had a name Ate lived, andyet mar dead : their workes are not perfet throughout,theywere but linfey-wolley,they werenot thorowpaced in the wayes of God, but fhuffeli; they grafpe at both,and compre- hendneither; theydoemany things, but not all. As the young man that came to Chrift, Chri7I looked on him, and lavedhim ; what di- Mar.,o,ai. ftinguifhed him Pon thingwas wanting, his workes werenot perfeE3, his heart was fee up= onhiswealth,he woulddoe any thing elfe, his heart was not weaned or divorced from it. saul had a name to live, but yet his workes were not perfea, when Samuel camenot, then I sam.I3.s. 910. bee was difcovered ; that wasbut his triall,he wouldnot reft in God. Herod didmany things, Mar.6.2o. yet he was not perfeót, hee would not leave his inceft ; fo all that have but a forme ofre- ligion they areWolves though they have a fheepifh outfide, they are not perfect, yeshall know themby their workes. But what workes are thofe that we. cannot Qeft. fee them doe ? I anfwer,theymaybeexaa in thefire, yet 4nfv. faile in the fecondTable, and chafe that pra- B3 eìfe