Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

?$ Elegant and livelyVefcription, 5 etife the dutiesof the fecond Table, faite in thedutiesof the firfi. If men beexaa in the dutiesofboth Tables, their religionù pureand undefiled,layn.1.27. If they failein the duties ofone table, tomake their religionpure, is to mend in the other. Thefe civili menwrong no man, yet they content themfelvf s witha bareforrnalitie; this is not pure Religion: we fay this is pure Religion, if yee bee fervent in prayer, and content not your felves with formality of Religion without the. power. LafUly, thefe walkingghofls, doe but Phew themfelves to men, they company not with them ; yee fee them and heare no more of them.Ye flail know livingmen ,by their coin- panying and loving of the Saints ; as íheepe and doves they are never out of company, and keepe no other company but their ovine. Yee shall finde in others thefe eliffe. rences. Firtf, either they delight not in all the Saints ; Wemuff love all theSaints, this par. ticle all, is put inall Fatals EpiJIles; thefe love not alishe Saints. Secondly, if they loveall theSaints, yet they lovenot the Saints only, yee muff love none but the Saints. Ifyee lave the Saints becaufe they are Saints, then therewho are not Saints,ye doe not love ; that is, yee love none ,rith the loveof friendnip, and intimate familiarity Ephe.a.I Ç. GOl.l:q.. 1 T9leG I.3. 2.