ofSpirit áll.Death andFife. familiaritiebut the Saints ; yet love them with a love of pitty, and we all faile in this love. Thirdly, they doe not love thole that excel/ invertue. If your hearts be not right, ye dif- like all thofe that goe beyond you inholineffe, and praaife. Laftly,though they make a Phew, they love them, yet they doe not flew the cffeas of their loves to them. And thus much for the helpes anddifcovery of the fiat fortof men r that have a name they live, and yet are dead. The fecond fort ofmen to whom this ufe is directed,are thofe who arcquitedead ; yee Mall know them by thefe markes or Symp- tomes. Firfl, yee (hall finde coldaefíe in them s in death there is no heate : fo their prayers and performances are cold, they are dad,wanting fervency. But the Siints want beate as well as others, they alfoare cold. I anfwer,though fometimefithey want it,yer they are quick'y made hot againe, becaufe there is life in them; as Charcole is quickly kindled, becaufe it bath Beene in the fire, to the Saintsare Toone kindled,brcaufe they had fire in thé bcfore,Ochers are as greens wood, or rather as matterr that is not combuftible, as the Adamant, that will not bee madehot with fire; Living men, admonitions and the F4 fire 3 pCa,iGoa. 2, The rnarkes and stiesof trots who are Ipiriruatiy dead. I. Obieei. dnfv.