So An' Elegant and livelyDeft?iption, 3. Pfal.t t5.445 Pêal.t35.1$. 16. fire of good company will heate againe, fo wil it not the others. Secondly, ye (hall know themby theirRif- neffe and hardnefi'e. It is filane ofdeath to be inflexible : Wicked men are as hardas flint toGods commandes, but as foft as waxe to that whichhumors them. Are yec tradable e Do youdelight inyour owne wayes, and yet continue the fame men, keepe the fame com- pany e Doeyee abide fill in the fame place, or goeon in the fame traEl .' then ye are dead; In many things you may be tradable, but the maine is, whether yee are flexible in thofe things that are connaturall unto you. Thefe deale withusas Ioha. andidwith Ieremiab,ier. 42. He laid he,'. would goe down(' into Egypt; hee would doe any thing, that GodAvidbid hire, whether it weregood orbad;but when Jere- my had told him and thepeople that they mull not goe downe into Egypt, then they-fin that be (lake/Wily, Goddidnotfend himwithfach a meffáge: if Gods will had tilted with his, hee would have done what beewould have had him to doe : your triad is when youmull of fer up your Ifzacke, whenyoumull part with thofe thingsthat are moll fwecte unto you. Thirdly, dead menare fenceleffe,like Idols that thePlâlmili fpeakes of : theyhave eyes and fie not, Bares andheave not, menthes andipeake not,feet and walke not, theyhavefences to di- fcerne, but there is yet an inward eye, they want