of Spirituali Death andLife want;they fee no beauty in the wayes ofGod; therefore they thiuke there is no fuck matter, becaufe they have eyes and fee it not, they hive mouthes and tafle it not, they relifh it not, they finell no fweer favour from thegra- ces of the Saints, when as the graces of the Saints have a fweer favour, like an ointment poniedout, Cant. i. 2. So for feeling,they feele not,they arenot fencible of the judgements or threatnings ; the Law née the Gofpell move them not,they have hardand infenfible hearts ; the more infencihle they are, it is a fi ;cue, they are more dead : the more fencible wee are of the threatnings or promifes, the more life is inus. Laflly, dead men are fpeechleffe ; there is nobreath in them. out of the abouno!ance ofthe heart the mouth f eaketh. The drie andempty channell drives notthe inill,but a full areame lets it on worke. If the heart bee full of life, the tongue is full of good fpeeches, Prov, to. The wards of therighteous are gas finedfilver,be- caufe there is a treafure within them; brit the words of the wickedarenoticing worth, bccaufe their hearts are evil). As it is Laid of evil) ttmen,.thattheir tongues are fitonfire ofhell; fo the tongues of the righteous are let on fare by heaven. Efay 19.18. they fpeake the language of Canaan.In hypocrites there iÇ loquacityas bla- fing meteors, and in Saints there is fometimes an indifpofition by reafon of Come fames, which Aat. a a,34.