Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2 In Elegant and lively Defcription, 5. Oblea. which make them like to fprings that are dammed up with ftones and mudcie. Yet itidgenor of them by fuch firs, but rake them as they are in their ordinary courfe;the mouth fpeaketh out of the abundanceof theheart. Eve; y man is delighted in Tome genious -operations, in things that are futable to him; if therebe aboundanceof life, aboundance of grace within a trirn,bedelights to fpeake of as all men arc feverallydifpufed,fuch are their fpeechcs. Now all thefe are privative fignes ofdeath,I will adde one more that is pofitive. Fiftlyilookewhat life a man lives,hedrawes to him the things that nourn it, and ex. pelleth that which hinders ir. If a Man bee alive,to finne, hedrawes that which is finfull, bu t holineffe and the meanies ofgrace, he ex- pels as contrary tohim : What (loth fans fie his lulls, that hedoth ; he may doe good fora time, but he is quickly ficke cfit. But I doemuch good,I abflaine frommuch evill, may fome men fay. To this I anfwer, that ifonemember lives, it is a figne the whole body lives fo if one mortali fume live in you, it is a figne you are dead. Truthofgrace cannot nand with one mortali finne unrepcnted , unfubdued: one difeafe kils a man as well asan bundled; fo one living lull kils YOU: Doth any lull live and reigne in you, it kils you. But what isit to liveand to reigne ? 1 anfwer,