Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

sfSpiritual! Deathanvilife: Ianfwer, whena man ceafeth to maintaine warre with his lull, and reffts it not ; when a man layesdowne theweapons, when he feeth his tuft is natural! to him and therefore yeeíds unto ir, then it reignes in him. There is no man that lives the lifeofgrace; but bee hath thispropertie, that hee (rivesagainf1 all fnne to the utznof}, not in Phew, but in fìnce- ritie ; he firives againft theoccafions of thane though they foile him; hee fill maintaines warre againft them, and fo they live, and reigne not in him. 2. Ifevery man out ofChrift be in ancfate ofdeath,let us not deferre repentance,butdoe itwhilft wee may. Repentance makes a dead man to be a livingman:What is it that makes you deferre repentance r Yee thinkeyeecan change your courfes, and forrowwhin you lift,.therefore yedeferre it.Tf menbe dead,and repentance puts as it were a new Ioule into them, makes them to paffe from death to life, then it isnot fo calle a thing. Suppofeyce had Ezckiahi warning., is it in your power tomake your felves live ? No,ir is beyondyour power; God; onely can doe it. Every man lies be- fore God, as that clod of (arch, outof which Adeins was made. God muff breathe life into hi n, elfe bee continues dead..GodBothnot breathe life intoall, Hepicktits whombee.will. It is your wifdorne therefore to Waite on aim in his Ordinances: if yehave good mo- tions 8. lnr vk2. Efay 38.1, roh.S:n.