e tionsbegun inyou.preffe them forwards,they are offprivgs of life. Thinke ferioully, am I deador alive ? Ifdead, why then fay, its not inmy power to quicken me, its onely inGod todoe it, and he doth this but in few, thofe whom he quickneth arc but as grapes after the rintage,oras the Olives after the beating; how then fhall I bee in the number? Give your felvesno reft know that it is God that brea- theth,and then depend onhim. Make thatufe of the doarine of eledion , with care and more folicitude to looke toyour felves. Gad wakes both the will and the deede ofbu good pleafttre, worke out thereforeyourfalvationwith feare and trembling. If repentance bee a pagage from death to life, if it bee fuch a change, then labour for to get it. The Spirit doth notalwayes firive with men; yee are not alwayes the farfie, yeewill flicke in the fand grow worfeand worfe, if yee grownot better and better. No more power have you to change your felves, than the Blackmore bath tochange his skinne,or theLeopardhis 5 the time will come, when you fball fay as spira did : O how doe Idefire faith, would God I had but onedropof it; and for ought wee knowhehad it not. Thirdly, learne fromhence to judgearight ofnaturall men; for all the excellency they have, yet they are but dead men ; If a man bedead, wee doe not regard his beauty ; all excellen-