An Elegant and lively- 7efiription, nances are but dead Trunkes, as Pens without Inke,or Conduit-pipes without water.Learne then that God loth convey life by the O;di- nances, that they themfelvescannot give life, therefore doe not over2valew themYet know withal 1, that God dothnot workebut by his Ordinances;the fpirit breathes not inTaverns or Play-houfes,but in the Church affemblies. ¿a. io.44.whiles Peter tearpreaching to Corne- lius,andbis family , theSpiritfig:Tomthem : fo the Spirit fell on others by laying the Apoffles handson them;theordinances are theVehiculum of the Spirit;give what is jull to them, and no more; give them neither too little nor too rnuch,do notover--value them,but yet nègle4 themnot:neglect nbt theSacrament,yeknow not what ye do when ye neglect to receive it, i 031.1149. ye think thatyeeateand drinkyourown damnati- on,ifye receiveit unreverentÿ;Abfencefrom it is a finne as well as the remiffe and negli- gent receiving of it Sicknefleand death yee feare, why then doe you negleeî the Sacra- ment, why doe you receive it unworthily ? VVhence are thole Epidemicall difeafes a- mongft us : thecaule of them is from hence that yee neglcá the Sacrament, that yee' receive it unworthily.. i Cor. z r. 30. For this caul manyarewake and fickeamong you, and manyfleepe.Confider thedanger of negle&ing Levitt; .294 theSacrament,he that carne not to thePaffeover, 30' rnufi bee cut offrom the children ofIliad s the fame