Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

ofSpirituali. Death andLife. fame - Equine. remains (till: in the Sacrao. !Ilene ; thecaufeof that was , becaufe lid was to come up with the reft, to rememberr the death of the firft borne ofEgypt, and the re: demption from their bondage, flee beingpaf. fed over,thereby : It is now the fame finne to . negleet the Sacram enr, the Equity fä1l re inaines. Areye e fo ftrong in faith as yeneed it not ? To beeabfent from the Word, yee, think it a finne: fo it is tobe.abfnt from the Sacrament; nothing can excufe you. if a matter bid his fervant do a thing, and hegoes and is drunken, fo that he cannot doe ir, will it excufé hint ? if you have made your (elves unfit to receive the Sacrament bycorntniting any grolle finnes; the unfitneífé will not ex. cufe you. Ifaman bath an occaton to ride a i'journey,ifhe miffe onedays hee willtake the next : fo yeif ye miffé the Sacrament Once, he fure to take it the next time ï It is*devided here,that fo ifye mine once, yee may receive it the next time ; take heed therefore how yee negleet it. The end of the Sacrament is to worfhip God , to fet forth Chritis death, iris thechiefcft part of God worfhip I therefore give it the chiefett refpea. Now from hence fee theneceflirie ofthis life of grace : how can yeecometo -the Sacrament, if yee are dead`'' men ?Labour therefore for this life ofgrace. And thus much for the 5rí1 point, that all men ori; ofch7ifi are in a(late e fdeath. We *The Sacra- ment isadmi niít redtwice cveryTerme, and i'onetimes thrice,