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gg In Elegant and lively Defeription, Wecome now to thefecond, which is this. That all in. Chriff, are inafäte oflife. Our fcope is, to fhew you what you are out of Chrifl,and what benefits ye receive by being in Chrift; we cannot goe throughout all par. ticulars, butwe will take the greatefl, life and death ; the one the greateft good, the other the greateft evill. A11 in (Thrift are living rnen;this is thegreatefl benefit,becaufedeath is the greateft evil! : therefore by the rule of contraries,lifemuff be the greateft good.Far- ther, menprize nothing fo muchas life ; this experience fheweth, and Sathan him elfe could tell, that skinnefor skinne, andaQ that a man bath,hewillgiveforhis life,lab2.4.Beyond' experience, God himfelte threatens death to ldans, as the greateft evil! ; 7he day that thou eateflofit,thou'halt die the death.Gen.3. 3.Now all that live this life are living men, andhave allthings pertaining to l0,2 Pet. I.2.they have all thatpertaines to life andgodline,that is, all things necefläry for the nourifhingand che- rifhingofthem, life wereelfe unhappy; take beaflsand plants, they having all belongingto their life, are happy, and they are Paid to live;, take any naturali life, when as a man bath food, andrayment, and recreation, he is Paid to live. Aman lives whenhe bath life, and all that appertaines nnto it. I will divide this Doárine into twoparts, and Iwill thew you twothings, Fira,,