Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

ofSpirituali Deathand Life. 89 Firf} that there is fuel: a life as this. cco,cd y, what this life is. FL; Ft, that there is fucha life, as this; It is needioll to fhesv you, that there is fuch a life, becaufe it is a hidden life. God hides thefe piri uall things,es he hid Chrift under a Car- penursoune fo hehides theglorious my fie- Lies of the Sacrament, under the bafeelements ofBread and wine; he hides the wifdome of God,under the f©olneßeofpreaching :he hides thole Whom the world is not worthyof, under th4es Skìnnes,and Goátes Ski anes, Heb.11 : yea, Cot 3.3.Our lives are hidwithchrifi InGod, But fromwhom is this life hidden? I, antwer, that it is hidden from natural! men as colours, from a blindman ; theyare there, and he fees them not. But with what is it hidden: I anfwer; that it is hidden : Firfl, with this naturall life, wee fee it not becaufe wee have this life, it is hid, as-the Sap in the roote, or water in the fpring. Secondly, it is hiddenwithabafeoutfde, 2 .Cor.6. i o. Tl a Saints areasPoore, as de f ifed, as having nothing; Chrifl had a bafe outfide ( there wets no forme or beauty in him that wee ;Pu'ddefire him : and fohave the Saints being conformable to him ; they are like other men for their outfides. Thirdly,itis hidden with tnifreports; thus Chrift hinafelf'e was hidden; he was counted G 4Will That there isa rpirituall life. $atth.i3 55. & ii. i C4r.I21. 2, Bay 53.z;