Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

90 Luke 7.34. Matth.9.34. Bray8.14. nElegant and livey 17efcription, swine-bibber, afriendofPublicans andfinners; one calling oat divels by Belzebab : and there- fore he becameafturobling blocke unto many. TheSaints are likewifemif-reprefented, they are evill fpoken of, they are prefented to mens underftanding otherwife than they are. There area generation of men, that pervert thefrait wayesofGod, .41413. ro. that .is, they make them feeme crooked, though they are ftraight, notwithftanding, they pervert them, as a crooked, or falfe glaffe, perverts a face hat is beautiful', reprefenting it in another 'ape ; or as a flicke that is halfe in the water, and halfe out, feemes to becrooked, and yet is ftraight in it felfe. But inwhat is it hidden ? I anfiver, that it ishidden inChri /l, as in the fountaine, as in the heart and foule, as in the fubjeel wherein it dwell. Menwhat ever they profeffe, beleeve not this, that there is filch a life, becaufe it is a hidden life; what courfe then (hall wee take to make you bcleeveit? The Scriptures you will not deny, yet you willbe ashard to beleeve them, as youwill be to beleevethat there is Inch a life; Wee will therefore fay fomething, without the Scrip tures9,to perfwadeyou that there is fuch a life as this. Firff, there is a life which the foule and fpi rits lives; as the Angels they move, aer, and i underftand ; though they cate not 3 there is Auf*. Co1,3.3. ^----®--