Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

of spiritual) DeathandLife. yI is therefore a life,befìdes this common life. Secondiy,coniider the matterof the foule, then yee fhali fee, that the foule lives fuch a life, as Angels doe ; The foules ofgoodmen, leade fuch a3life as good Angels doe;the foules ofbad t sen,filch a lifeas bad Angels. The life of beams dcpcnds on the compadure, and Temperatureof the fubfiance, as the Harmo- ny loth upon the true extentof every firing. With the foule of man it is otherwife; the foule lives fir ft, and then caufeth the body to live; it is otherwife in beats, their foules and bodies live together. Befides it is cer- taine, that the foulé (hall live, when as the body is laid alide; then it lives another life from the body : therefore it lives anotherlife in thebody.The higher faculties cfthefoule, the Vnderftanding andWill, are not placed or feared in thebody, as other facultiesare : the vi(ive facultie muff have an eye tofee,thc hearing facultie muff havean care to beare, and fo the reft ofthe faculties muff have their organs ; but the Vnderffanding bath no fuch organ, it onely ufeth thofe things that are prefented to it by the phanfie . Our fight, feeling, andhearing perith,when their organs perifh ; but thefuperior facultiesofthefoule, weare not away, but theelder thebody is,the younger they are. The foule lives now is the objed, now in the fubjet: it lives in the things it is occupied about : As the Angels G 2 are