Phil,;,to. AnElegant and l h'eÿ f Ùe cr'ipttcrt, are laid to be,where theywo; k.',bc caul: they haue nobodies as we have, to rr,akc them locally there ; fo the foule it aifo lives, where it is occupied; as ifit be occupied about hea- venly things, then wee are laid, 19hívea,vr tonuerptioN ita heaven. Take the Underflan- ding and faculties of reaIon, they fway not men ; but the Ideae;, truthes and opinions that dwell in the undcrílanding, (way men. There are three lives in man, there is the life ofplants,ofbeat}s or fenc._,and rh, life ofrfa- fon I may adde a fourth, and that is this fpi- rituall life, which is an higher life. ofrhefotic; Where there .is an tvill life,there is dear%, but where there is agood life, there is this fpm tuall life : See it in the cffals, for there are but fpeculations. Fir 1, yee fee by experience, that there is a generation of mtn, that live nor a co:ninon life, delight not in vaine pica titres, fporrs and honors(there is no life without fome del ights) their delightsand life is not in outward things abroad; therefore they have a retired and in- ward life at borne. a. Secondly, there are noAds, but for futre. end, there are men who make not themfelves' their end, if they did, they might then rake other cburfes, going with the ilrearre. If then they makenot thernfelves their end,thcn they make God their end, they live not u them/Ives, 6u? to theLord, r. Thirdly, 1lY I.