Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

of Spiritual) Deathand Life, 93 Thirdly, they carenot what they lofe to get advantage toGod they are content to be defpifed,contenaned, to fufer 'torments, Heb 11.37. iraprOnnetnts and death ; they are content to doe that which is the ruine of their lives, which theywould not doe, had they not a more fpeeiali life within them. 2. Cor. 4 r r. we which live are alwajes given ap to death:fir leftssfake, that the tifà all; ofIejtss, ?night bee made ma,*.iffl in our mortalifi'é/b: That is, for this caule God fufered his children, tobe in danger, that men might know, that they live another life, and haveother comforts: this appeares by our readineflc tobee expofed to death ; all which íhewes, that thereare fore that leadean other hie. But it will be bbjec ed, that the fizpertliti- O6icFl. eus, and thofeof another religion, will _fuffe,r death as well as the Saints : and morali_phi - lofophers are retired as wellas the Saints :and thofe who have but common graces, live this life as well as the Saints: therefore thefe .experiences proue not the point fufcicnt- ly. I anfwer,that it is rrue,tbat faperfl?tiers doth worke much like Religion, morali verrue Moth many things, like true holineffc 5. and Commongrace, doth ti uCh like truegrace ; yet it is no good argument to fay, that be caufe a dreaming mandreames that he fees, therefore a living trial) that loth fee,doth but G 3 as 3. "P0r.