Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

94 4nElegant and lively V e fcription, 2o as hee : A piehre is likea living man, yet it followesnot that a livingman is dead,becahfe thepidur'e is dead; it is no Argument to fay, that becaufe morrall vertuedothmany things like true holynefi'e, therefore true holincffe cloth them not : Theymay be like in many things yet not in all things; the caufe ofall deceit is,becaufewe cannot difcerneofthings alike, therefore I will thewyou how thefe differ. Firíf, fuperfiitionmakes men fuffer much, as well as true Religion,yet they doe it outof a falfe opinion,the other from faith : the one doe it being helped by the holy Ghoff, the other have a fupernatur all helpe from Saban that extendeth nature beyond his fpheare; the one doth it from grace, the other from delu- lion : the outwardas are alike, but the in- ward principles differ. Secondly, morrali vertueandC.hriaian ho lineffe differ inworking, the laft is done ofa fudden. A man is made a living man fud. dainely, though there are force previous dif- pofitions, yet the foule is fùddenly infufed;af- ter this manner the Saints paffe fromdeath to life. Others have their habits by frequent aets and education, they are moulded to it by littleand little. Thirdly,inmorrall`men thechange is never generall,there is nonewbirth inthem ; burin theSaints, id things are sew, 2.cor.5,r7. ¡8. Fourthly,