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of Spirituall Deathand Life. yi Fourthly, morallitie dothneverch ange na- ture, but gracedoth :themoil wilde man in a country, theunlikelieft man ofall others, Re- ligion makes him aLambeof aLion, though it were unprobable. Fifthly, what did mortal) men?they went by divers wayes, to the fame center them- felves were their end ; Epicures thought one way the heft, the Staicks another; but the Saints fide a happineffe, in denying them- [elves,which helpes to perfe& them. Laftly, common and true grace, have ma- ny things alike, yet theydiffer in this; true grace doth things as aman doth naturali li- ving aáions; as a man eates and drinkes with willingneffe and propenfaveneffe, con- naturally, and readily ; fodoth not theother. Thofcwhohave onely common grace,doeall from refpeets andby-ends, their holineffe is but by fíafbes and by fits, it continues not; they are like violent motions, guide in the beginning,and flower in the end thehigher they goe the weakertheyarc; but the moti- ons and aW }ions of the godly , arc asa Done falling downewards,Which moves falterand fatter, till it falles to the :Center, where it would be. Nowwe have doneall this, there is not yet fuficient laid, tomake it fufficiently appeare, that there is fucha life ofgrace ; thereandan hundredother Arguments and reafons , will G4 not 4. 6.