Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2. What fpiritu all tifc is An Elegant and lively Defcription, not make natural'. nenbeleeve,that manymen live other lives than they. But when they fee the life of holine(fe blafe in their eyes, they fay it is but guilded over, it is but hypocrifie. Thefe reafons may prepare andconfirrne,but theycannot perfwade; wemull thereforebe- leeve that there is fuch a life. John 3, Chril treates ofthis, that there is fuch a life ; he tell Nicodemsel, that bee muff live it, and be darn againe;He wonders at it, how itcan be,Chritl thereforeconcludes in the 12. verse : if/have toldyou earthly things andyee beleevenot, how #ia('yee beleeve i, f 1 tellyou ofheavenly things? that is, it muff bebeleeved, that there is fuch a life : fcnfe beleeves it nor, yet it is eater to beleeve it, becaufe it is wrought on earth ; others things are harder than this to beleeve, becaufe they are wrought in heaven; though this be wrought onearth, yet it is hard to be. leeve, and muff be beleeved. And thus much for the firfi part ofthedorine ; that there is fuch a life. For the fecond, what this life is; yee may know one Contrary by another; wee have (hewed already what death that is contrary to it, is, by which yee may partly perceive, what this life is ; yetwee will give you fare 1 other fgnes how to know it. This life is a re4 1 all life, as reall as theother, though it con- lift not in eating and drinking, as the o- ther loth ; it is a life of faith , it is not feene,