ofSpirituall Death andLife. eene, yec it is as reall as the common life, as will appear by comparing it with the cum, mon life; Fiat, this common life of nature there z muff be temper ofbody, difpotition ofinftru. ments fo in this life of grace; there is a frame of heart, a compofition of foule, on which it dotbdepend ; there arc humors and ingredients ofthis life, and theyare the things yee know : there is a realitie in this life as well as in the naturall life. Secondly, as the natural! lifebath a temper , ofbody, bath divers mixtures, fo it abhorrs things that are hurtfull to it,anddefires things that chearifh it : fo in this lifeofgrace, there in anappetite; thofe that live it, they are car- ried to the things that helpe them they hunger after the Word, and that which builds them up ; they abhorre fumeand tuftthat wouldde- ftroy them. Thirdly, as in the naturali life, fo in this, 3. there is a taile, a palate, that helps this appe- tite. Rm.]. 2.2. Be yee changedby the renewing ofyour mid, thatyee may prove what is that goodandrerfea,and acceptablewill ofGod, that is, that yee may beeable to difcerneof it, as the touclifione difcernes of gold, or the tafte and palate of meates. Fourthly, as in the other life there is hunger 4. and thirff, fo is there inthis ; menwho live it are fenfible of paines, and rcfrcfhings, they are 97