Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

------- 98 ,/lna:gaylt a d Defrription, are fenfible of finne, judgements and threar- nings, which others are nor, being hard and dead. S Fiftly, as the other life is fed with foods fo is this: the food which a Haaneats is not pr:efent- ly turnedinto fi:fhand blond that nourifheth; but there is anutritive facultit.,thatnouritheth and turnes all we cate intonourifhnnent : So the Saints who live this life have anutritivefa- cultie, theyof mulate, and turneall things to a good ufe,there isaliving and vitali faculty, in them that lets them forwards, Ephe. 4. 16. Theybeingknit to cbriji,accordingto theefean. allpower, rnorh?ing in every part, increaj, and edfe themfelves in love, 6 LaflIy, as this common life bath befideo- ther things that maintaine it, fame other in- dowments tohelpe it out,as company, recre- ation, riches, and the like : fobath this fpiri- tuai! life, it bath riches, and friends, it*bath its nra1.91.9 heritage,company, habitation, (God isour °bar b:cationfrom everlajiing) with the fame reali- , tie, though not with the fame vifibility,and fo expated to fence as the other. The caufe-of Toh,663; this life is the boll GboJI, who is to the foule,as Rom:II.36. the fouIe is rothe body; hee is thecaufe ofit the'endofit, is the Lord; ad done to God; No . other life is fo, this life isof God through God, andfor God : when you finde inch a re- alitie in your ae}ions tending to God, when he isyour aime, thenye live this life, If