of Spiritual) Death and Life. If this bee the condit ion of all that a n är! Chrifl, to liveand beequickned, fee what is expceted from you to whom this talent is committed; every excellency is a talent, it rnufl not lie dead, but bee improved for our maffers ufe : the finne is great ifye doe it nor : the neglect beingofagreater thing, the finne isgreater. God lets a proportionableaccount On his benefits, and opals a fevere account from use if wee Life themnor. Bee exhorted then to live this life force live much in a fhort time; forcenever live this life at all; one man may live more in one day, than any other man in an hundred: for tolive is no- thing, but tobe ffìrringand doing. r.Tim. 5.6. Thole who live inpleafiires are deadwhilfl they live: fobee that is occupied about riches or honours, is dead : all that time that men are occupied about richesand their eflates,about credit, honours, and the like, making them their end, is a time of death : yee have lived no longer thanyeehave aáed dutiesof new obedience. If you fumme up your lives ac- cording to this computation, tohow fliort a reckoning will they come ? A wife man fpeakes more in a few words, thanabook loth inamultitude : one peeceof gold bath more worth than ahundredpeeves of braffe; aswe fay of anempty oratic:i, that there is afloodofwords, but a dropof matter ; fo if you confider your lives, and feehow long yee have -99 vie. t. .