100 Epixf,5.16. Exoci. 3 ,Scc, Rotn.11.IÌ. zo. Aet,I336' An Elegant and lh)ely efcription, have lived in death, bunglingout your time; youwill fee that yee have lived but little in a long tiantherforenow be doing fomething; redeem the time 3 bee bufle indoingor recei- ving good, be thu deviling todoe fomething for God, and to put it in execution: fpenel your fat and fweetnetre for God and man; weareour, not ruft out; flame out, not fino- t her out ; borne out, beenot blowneout. So did Chria, fodidWig, fo did Patel, making theGolpell toabound from iertifizlem tsillyriesm: fodid David, the text faith, that hefirvedhis rime ; hee did not idle it our, that is, hee lived not ashis ownemailer, but heedid doe all to God, as to amailer: All the worthies ofthe I Church have lived thus: and not onely they, but poore Chriaians likewife are aill doing, they ferve God and men, they are ufefull, theyare the men that live. There who fpend their timein fports ,in gaming, inbuflneffe, in ferving wealth and honour, inmoral! difcour- (-es, in Hiltories, in hearing and telling of newes, as the (.44e:fiat's did : there are dead men, they doe not live : As we fayof Trees, that if trey bring not forth fruit, they are dead; fo what ever Inca doe ifrhey bringnot forth fruit, ifthey glorifie not God, they are, dead. See whata price is pntinro your hands, fee what yee havedone, and an. nd whiles yee may ; beftow nor your price amifre. There are many Talents, yet none like this of life: take